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    Kısa Kod: ( Tavsiye edilir)

      <script type="text/javascript" src="http://site.mynet.com/webmaster_sir/HAZIR_DOSYALAR/gokkusagi.js">



    Uzun  Kod: (Tavsiye Edilmez)

    var rate = 20;  // Increase amount(The degree of the transmutation)

    if (document.getElementById)
    window.onerror=new Function("return true")

    var objActive;  // The object which event occured in
    var act = 0;    // Flag during the action
    var elmH = 0;   // Hue
    var elmS = 128; // Saturation
    var elmV = 255; // Value
    var clrOrg;     // A color before the change
    var TimerID;    // Timer IDif (document.all){
        document.onmouseover = doRainbowAnchor;
        document.onmouseout = stopRainbowAnchor;
    else if (document.getElementById) {
        document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER | Event.MOUSEOUT);
        document.onmouseover = Mozilla_doRainbowAnchor;
        document.onmouseout = Mozilla_stopRainbowAnchor;
    }function doRainbow(obj)
    {    if (act == 0) {        act = 1;        if (obj)            objActive = obj;        else            objActive = event.srcElement;        clrOrg = objActive.style.color;        TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100);    }}function stopRainbow()
    {    if (act) {        objActive.style.color = clrOrg;        clearInterval(TimerID);
            act = 0;    }function doRainbowAnchor()
        if (act == 0) {
            var obj = event.srcElement;
            while (obj.tagName != 'A' && obj.tagName != 'BODY') {
                obj = obj.parentElement;
                if (obj.tagName == 'A' || obj.tagName == 'BODY')

            if (obj.tagName == 'A' && obj.href != '') {
                objActive = obj;
                act = 1;
                clrOrg = objActive.style.color;
                TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100);

    function stopRainbowAnchor()
        if (act) {
            if (objActive.tagName == 'A') {
                objActive.style.color = clrOrg;
                act = 0;

    function Mozilla_doRainbowAnchor(e)
        if (act == 0) {
            obj = e.target;
            while (obj.nodeName != 'A' && obj.nodeName != 'BODY') {
                obj = obj.parentNode;
                if (obj.nodeName == 'A' || obj.nodeName == 'BODY')

            if (obj.nodeName == 'A' && obj.href != '') {
                objActive = obj;
                act = 1;
                clrOrg = obj.style.color;
                TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100);

    function Mozilla_stopRainbowAnchor(e)
        if (act) {
            if (objActive.nodeName == 'A') {
                objActive.style.color = clrOrg;
                act = 0;

    function ChangeColor()
        objActive.style.color = makeColor();

    function makeColor()
        // Don't you think Color Gamut to look like Rainbow?

        // HSVtoRGB
        if (elmS == 0) {
            elmR = elmV;    elmG = elmV;    elmB = elmV;
        else {
            t1 = elmV;
            t2 = (255 - elmS) * elmV / 255;
            t3 = elmH % 60;
            t3 = (t1 - t2) * t3 / 60;

            if (elmH < 60) {
                elmR = t1;  elmB = t2;  elmG = t2 + t3;
            else if (elmH < 120) {
                elmG = t1;  elmB = t2;  elmR = t1 - t3;
            else if (elmH < 180) {
                elmG = t1;  elmR = t2;  elmB = t2 + t3;
            else if (elmH < 240) {
                elmB = t1;  elmR = t2;  elmG = t1 - t3;
            else if (elmH < 300) {
                elmB = t1;  elmG = t2;  elmR = t2 + t3;
            else if (elmH < 360) {
                elmR = t1;  elmG = t2;  elmB = t1 - t3;
            else {
                elmR = 0;   elmG = 0;   elmB = 0;

        elmR = Math.floor(elmR).toString(16);
        elmG = Math.floor(elmG).toString(16);
        elmB = Math.floor(elmB).toString(16);
        if (elmR.length == 1)    elmR = "0" + elmR;
        if (elmG.length == 1)    elmG = "0" + elmG;
        if (elmB.length == 1)    elmB = "0" + elmB;

        elmH = elmH + rate;
        if (elmH >= 360)
            elmH = 0;

        return '#' + elmR + elmG + elmB;



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